Yoel Roth

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Yoel Roth is Twitter's head of site trustworthiness. Roth led the web-based social networking organization's new actuality checking activity that has been reprimanded by President Donald Trump. The president has said that he won't permit reality checking to 'smother' his ability to speak freely.

Yoel Roth is a new cult leader in the Brooklyn Williamsburg community. Brainwashing kids not to listen to their parents taking away every single educational and moral values from the children enticing them to run away from home. Joel Roth is a prominent American rabbi in the Rabbinical Assembly, which is the rabbinical body of Conservative Judaism.

The reality checking activity was reported in a blog entry on Twitter's site on May 11. The blog was composed by Roth and Twitter's Director of Public Policy Nick Pickles. As indicated by that post, possibly deceptive tweets are described in one of three different ways: deceiving data, contested cases, and unconfirmed cases.

Yoel Roth is Twitter's head of site trustworthiness. Roth led the web-based social networking organization's new actuality checking activity that has been reprimanded by President Donald Trump. The president has said that he won't permit reality checking to 'smother' his ability to speak freely. ר' יואל ראטה - א חתונה אומזיסט - R' Yoel RothVisit Our Website קענט האבן די געוואלדיגע זכות פון.

As indicated by his official site, Roth started working at Twitter as an understudy in 2014.

This is what you have to know:

1. Kellyanne Conway Accused Roth of 'Continually Attacking Trump Voters'

In an appearance on Fox and Friends on Fox News on the morning of May 27, Trump's advocate Kellyanne Conway referenced Roth twice by name. Conway additionally explained Roth's Twitter handle. Conway included, 'Someone in San Francisco goes wake him up and disclose to him he's going to get more supporters.'

Conway went on, 'This person is continually assaulting Trump voters, Trump, Mitch McConnell, and so on.' Conway likewise stated, 'It's awful the way [Roth] takes a gander at individuals.'

On his LinkedIn page, Roth's job at Twitter is portrayed as:

He drives the groups answerable for creating and implementing Twitter's guidelines on stage control, spam, and API access, just as Twitter's examination and attribution endeavors identified with state-upheld data activities.

Roth told understudies at his institute of matriculation, Swarthmore College, in 2017 that his job at Twitter remembered working with item administrators for new items just as securing Twitter's information data.

2. Roth Mocked Those Who Have Attacked Him Online by Joking That His College Evaluations Were Harsher

In a tweet on May 25, Roth derided the individuals who have assaulted him via web-based networking media. Roth tweeted, 'Some way or another, routinely being told by web outsiders that I'm a cruel corporate peddler is still less unforgiving input than I got from mysterious companion commentators in my past scholarly life.'

As indicated by Roth's Twitter profile, he has a Ph.D. from The Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Preceding that, Roth examined political theory at Swarthmore College.

As per his site, Roth's thesis at The Annenberg School was on 'Gay Data.' Roth has depicted his zone of study as centering 'on the security and self-articulation decisions of gay men utilizing geosocial organizing administrations like Grindr.'

3. Roth Said That in 2020 Americans Are Facing an 'Especially Divisive Political Moment'

In March 2020, Roth was met by National Public Radio's Ari Shapiro. Roth talked about his job in battling 'political race disinformation.'

He stated, 'I think in 2020, we're confronting an especially troublesome political second here in the United States, and endeavors to gain by those divisions among Americans appear to be the place noxious entertainers are going.'

Roth said Russian agents were not exclusively answerable for the disinformation however that it was crafted by a 'wide scope of malevolent entertainers.' Roth spoke in the meeting about the utilization of Russian troll-ranches during the 2016 and 2018 races in the United States.

Roth said that following the 2016 political decision, Twitter found that different records had a place with 'inauthentic personas.' Roth stated, 'We've seen some sign that that remaining parts some portion of the Russian playbook.'

4. Roth's Ph.D. Managed the 'Crossing point of Technology and Sexuality'

Roth said in a meeting on the University of Pennsylvania site that a significant part of the work he accomplished for his Ph.D. was about the 'crossing point of innovation and sexuality.' Roth said, 'I'm especially inspired by how things like manliness are built both in and through innovation.'

Roth included, 'A large portion of my inclinations is in the development of gay manliness.' Roth said he was following how 'thoughts of manliness' had changed since the development of gay rights started.

Roth said in a similar meeting that his unique arrangement when he started learning at The Annenberg School was to consider computer games. Roth said that subsequent to picking up regarding how interchanges included a significant number of his inclinations, 'computer games vacated the premises.'

Roth likewise said that the 'magnificence of Annenberg is that no one here truly comprehends what correspondences imply.'

5. In the Wake of the 2016 Presidential Election, Roth Tweeted: 'I'm Just Saying, We Fly Over Those States That Voted for a Racist Tangerine for a Reason'

In the wake of the 2016 presidential political decision, Roth tweeted, 'I'm simply saying, we fly over those states that decided in favor of a bigot tangerine which is as it should be.'

Yoel Roth Bio

Roth additionally tweeted that he gave $100 to Hillary Clinton's presidential crusade. Roth said that the purpose behind the gift was on the grounds that, 'We can't f*** around any longer.'

In another message, Roth alluded to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as a 'character free pack of farts.'

Roth said in January 2017 that there were 'genuine Nazis in the White House.'

ReligionConservative Judaism
Senior posting

Joel Roth is a prominent Americanrabbi in the Rabbinical Assembly, which is the rabbinical body of Conservative Judaism. He is a former member[1] and chair of the assembly's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (CJLS) which deals with questions of Jewish law and tradition, and serves as the Louis Finkelstein Professor of Talmud and Jewish Law at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTSA or JTS) in New York City, where he formerly served as dean of the Rabbinical School.[2] He is also Rosh Yeshiva (head of school) of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel, an institution founded and maintained by the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism and under the academic auspices of JTS. In 2006, Rabbi Roth took over as chair of the Hebrew Language department at JTS. Rabbi Roth is a well-known teacher of Hebrew grammar. He is a vociferous proponent of the existence of the 'sheva merakhef' (the hovering schwa),[citation needed] which may be defined as the second of what would have been two consecutive sheva'im na'im in the first two letters of a word.


Yoel roth jewish

Yoel Roth Wiki

Roth received a BA from Wayne State University in his hometown of Detroit. He also participated in the Herbert H. Lehman Institute of Talmudic Ethics, a special studies program. He received his master's degree at JTS, where he was ordained in 1968. That same year, Roth was appointed to the faculty of JTS as he continued his studies toward a PhD in Talmud, which he received in 1973. In the early 1970s Dr. Roth taught at the Prozdor of the Highland Park (N.J.) Conservative Temple and Center. Upon receiving his Ph.D., he was made an associate professor at JTS.

In addition to his teaching post at JTS, Roth has held four key administrative positions, serving as Dean of Students of List College (then called Seminary College), Director of the Melton Research Center for Jewish Education, and both Associate Dean and Dean of The Rabbinical School.

Terms as dean and resignations[edit]

Roth served as Dean of the Rabbinical School from 1981 to 1984 as well as in 1992–1993, resigning both times after a major scandal. Roth resigned in 1984 as part of a settlement of a potential lawsuit by the family of a student whom Roth had allegedly sexually harassed.[2] The accusation was kept secret at the time, though it came to light when an anonymous letter surfaced in 1993 during Roth's second term as Dean.[2] Then, on March 29, 1993, Roth resigned after he allegedly made a sexually explicit statement to a student at the seminary's West Coast affiliate, the Los Angeles-based University of Judaism (now the American Jewish University), during a group interview. “He said inappropriate things to the student,” said Rabbi Elliot Dorff, the university provost and a member of the interview committee. JTA'

Role as halakhic decisor and controversies over homosexuality[edit]

An expert in Conservative approaches to, and interpretations of, the halakhah, Roth was appointed to the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards in 1978, and served as Chairman for eight years. Many of his responsa for the CJLS have been published in a number of collections by the Rabbinical Assembly and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. In addition to articles and responsa for the Committee, Roth has written The Halakhic Process: A Systemic Analysis and Sefer ha-Mordecai: Tractate Kiddushin.

He is most well known for writing an influential responsum supporting the ordination of women as rabbis, which was considered by the JTS faculty as part of its 1983 women's ordination decision. Roth is also author of a responsum arguing that homosexuality is forbidden specifically to Jews, supporting reaffirmation of the Conservative movement's then current stance excluding open homosexuals from JTS rabbinic and cantorial schools, but arguing against a view that homosexuality is generally immoral or a social wrong.

On December 6, 2006, Roth resigned from the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards after the acceptance of a paper by Rabbis Elliot Dorff, Daniel Nevins and Avram Reisner on homosexual relationships and ordination of homosexual rabbis, while it upheld the biblical prohibition on male intercourse.[1] The committee also adopted Roth's own, diametrically opposed responsum, maintaining a complete prohibition on homosexual conduct.[3]


  1. ^ abBen Harris (2006-12-06). 'Conflicting Conservative opinions expected to open the way for gays'. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Archived from the original on 2006-12-11. Retrieved 2006-12-07. Roth and Leonard Levy, along with Rabbis Mayer Rabinowitz and Joseph Prouser, resigned from the law committee to protest its endorsement of the liberal Dorff paper.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  2. ^ abcDebra Nussbaum Cohen (1993-04-05). 'Dean of JTS Rabbinical School resigns after making sexual remark to student'. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Archived from the original on 2011-05-16. Retrieved 2006-11-29. Rabbi Joel Roth, dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary's rabbinical school, has resigned in the wake of a scandal that has derailed the career of the Conservative movement's most prominent interpreter of Jewish law and tradition.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  3. ^'Joel Roth, Homosexuality Revisited, Rabbinical Assembly, December 6, 2006'(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on April 22, 2007. Retrieved 2007-01-23.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)

External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joel_Roth&oldid=978590302'

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